Monday - P.E. classes at Morogoro International School (M.I.S.) and meeting at the Faraja Trust Fund
Tuesday - Performance and teaching at the Faraja Trust School; Jump Rope Club at M.I.S.
Wednesday - Teaching at the Faraja Trust School; P.E. classes at M.I.S
Thursday - Performance and teaching at St. Francis de Sales Seminary
Friday - P.E. classes at M.I.S. and "Friday School" teaching session with students from M.I.S. and local schools
Saturday - 9-5 workshop (9-12 for M.I.S. students; 12-1 for Teachers; 1-2 for Lunch; 2-5 for Faraja Trust, St. Francis, and M.I.S. students)
As I said, it's been a busy week - but completely amazing. As I walked up to the Faraja School for my second day of teaching there, a few of the kids ran up to hug me. They all really like jumping, and they've been a blast to teach. Two of the boys can do pushups, and many of them have mastered the toad, inverse toad, and E.B. Here's a picture of the group.

The language barrier can make teaching slightly challenging at times, but it very rarely stands in the way of kids learning new skills. One of the great things about jump rope is that it is such a visual sport. All the kids I've taught have been able to learn primarily by watching. I've learned some phrases along the way that have made teaching easier when an explanation is needed.
Ruka juu zaidi - Jump up higher
Kamba ikiwa juu, ingia - When the rope is up, enter
Jaribu tena - Try again
Usisimame - Don't stop
Kama hii - Like this
Saturday was great. Morogoro International School offered their P.E. facility for an all day workshop, and students from Faraja and St. Francis came during the 2-5 session. It's amazing how quickly the kids learn - caboose, double under cross, 360, pushup, A.S. Unfortunately, frequent power cuts in Morogoro (3-4 times per week) make charging camera batteries difficult, and I was not able to take any pictures that day. Fortunately, a few of the teachers that came took plenty, and I'll post some of those soon.
I'm excited to see what the next week here brings. I leave for Iringa soon, so I will be teaching as much as possible over the next nine days.
Usiku mwema,